Monday, October 26, 2009

Grandma Larson Turns 85

Grandma Larson turning 85. We all went to old Sacramento and had an old fashioned picture taken.
We are in the place where we had it taken, I will have to send all of you a copy of it it is quite revealing in our saloon style/outlaw outfits.
On our way home from Calif. we stopped at this Golden Arches, yes this is what McDonalds used to look like. One of the very first ones never changed it's looks. I can't remember where it is though????

I actually got to touch the moon on the Rio Del Mar Beach near Judy's house.

Nothing like a walk on the Beach with someone you Love, and Kiss when the sun is setting.


  1. Looks like tons of fun! Thanks for posting the latest and gratest from Mom and Dad!


  2. Hey post the old fashioned picture when you get a chance. I'd love to see it.

