Thursday, November 26, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

Lions and tigers and bears and SNAKES!!!!!! Oh My! where did you find that video?
It caught me off guard, that is for sure.


Saturday, November 21, 2009

I keep forgetting to sign my name sorry, that was mom.
That meteor was hugh!!!!! I wish I wold have seen it. Jeff and the night time sky, he spotted the northern lights years ago also when outside, which turned into hours of watching the changes happen in the sky. Fun stuff. Way to go you two, It is funny that the astrology dept. wasn't aware of it before it happened.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Amanda Rock's Birthday

Today is Amanda's Birthday. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Manda, Happy Birthday to you!!!!!

I know everyone is singing along with me.
So glad you are in the family.
Have a wonderful day.
Your package is suppose to arrive today.
They said 3 days and it was in the mail Monday night
So be looking for it. Today or Tomorrow.
Hugs and lots of love to you
Mom and Dad Rock
No Doubt about it Ellyn is the cutest little 18 month old girl. Her littles personality is shining through and is so sweet especially when she says no! in that matter of factly way. Just love her and grandma wants to give her one of those tight can't get out kind of squeezes.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009

After I added my comment to Amanda's New Moon, I was checking the weather out and under astrology it showed what the moon is up to right now and on November 16th there is actually a NEW MOON happening. I just observed it but maybe that is why they called it New Moon. A bit of Trivia for those excited about the movie. Did you already know that???

Thursday, November 12, 2009

New Moon!

Oh my Gosh!

I just got back from an exclusive viewing of New Moon!!!!!!!!!!!
So it turns out that the CEO of Cinemark is in our ward. His wife is the RS President and she invited 7 sisters in the ward to go to this exclusive premier!!!!!! So, as far as the movie goes, it is much better than the first one, I am totally on Team Jacob and Dakota Fanning makes a great vampire! Ya'll will love this movie:)


Friday, November 6, 2009

8x10 Photos

Hey everyone, I am working on a project and I am going to be asking each of you for an 8x10 picture of your families! :) I am only going to have room for one picture of each family so you all need to be in it (mom and dad I want one of just you two in it, Jarad and Jennilyn I need one with all 3 of you in it, and mom if I could get a really good one of Elder Rock too that would be great...) Just pick one of your favorites and I will be asking for it soon! I am making picture frames out of 2 old window panes for our house and I am wanting to put our families in it. All we have are pictures of ourselves and we are getting tired of staring at us all the time, Haha! Anyway, I'll be contacting you directly to get it but I just wanted to give you a heads up! :) Love you all! Hope you are all having an awesome day!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

New Harmony Fire

Here are some pictures I took of the New Harmony fire that was a "controlled burn/do not report fire" that got out of control this past summer...

I believe it started in July from a lighting strike and it burned and burned and burned...

and they let it burn till it was crazy huge!

I guess once it became a "problem", and started threatening homes and such they decided it was high time they did something about it... notice the empty fire station, haha! :)

This picture turned out cool I thought. I didn't even notice the speed limit sign till after I took it on my phone :).
The smoke was blown north toward Cedar area and sometimes it got SO bad we had to go out to New Harmony to get a breath of fresh air... as crazy as that sounds. It was pretty cool to sit on mom and dads deck and just watch it burn, and burn. The flames were huge, so huge we could see when a tree caught fire and burst into flames. Anyway, just thought I'd post a few pictures I had.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Brian Regan

Here are a couple pics from his apearence in Dallas on Oct. 24.

Way Funny all new material.
Who Asked the $10,000 question?
Justin are your comments in response to that question?

Monday, November 2, 2009

Why Justin Screens His Calls

I just ran the math....not to destroy all hope of the sun coming up again or anything. BUT ( that's my version of "there is always a big but". It might not look big to others but if I were to ask, "does my "but" look big in these pants?", everyone would agree on yes....anyway this is what happens when the mind juices get flowing.....tangents ) If you are ever planning on not being in servitude to "the man" your whole life. And seeing you don't get hurt and stay perfectly healthy. And dont want to visit anyone out of state or elsewhere. And no one robs you. No natural disasters occur. And your cars will keep running as long as you do. And more things that could possibly happen, but you get the point. Say all these things don't take from you. This is what I figure.

When life and your body slow down and you can't function as well as you use to. And you need to "retire". ( I know we have taken it out of the LDS dictionary, but ) I am refering to cash flow not serving in the church. I figure this happens around 70ish lets say. And you don't know when you are going to die so might as well plan for 100ish. For you and your spouse. So keeping two alive. It roughly takes $20k a person to live and sustain life a year ( might be able to fudge that a little based on property ownership ) but for this we're using $20k. So 30years x $40k = $1.2million. $3k month for 30 years saved or 1.7k a month for 50 years to save just one million. Thats alot of work looks like,WE'LL need a government baleout.

It's very interesting that the economy or "the man" rewards those who are his freinds. The good old boy system. But if you get too close you are gonna get dirty in some way. Because naturaly "the man" is an enemy to Go....I dont think that is the same guy. I know everyone feels the conflict "well lets not be afraid to get our hands dirty, because I have $1.2 million to earn in 30 years", but then we are reminded of who we are and what we know. We acually have standards where as "the man" "kidnapped shamoo and put her in a chlorine tank!" ( a little Jack Black for ya ). We believe in being honest. We believe in loving our neighbor. We even care for those who have to worry about the man no more, ( gimpy ) =[. So we are left with a delima, do we choose the to be on "the mans" team ( getting down to business all week and taking showers at church on the weekend )and let our few minutes of spare time to being idealists. Or do we go to the oposite end of the spectum and seperate ourselves from the man a then become alone or isolated, but have all the ideals that we want, but no benefits from society. ( stuff is great ) Or we can become nither hot nor cold. Enjoy the happy medium that offend both parties because of cross commitments.

So it begs the question. Is it O.K. to get a little dirty for the greater good? Or is it acually dirty if what you do, you don't see the consequences and seperate yourself from the fallout, which is a popular pattern in capitalism. ( C. E. O. ) Yet they will always promote their cause by saying: "But look at all the good I'm doing". I dont know what to choose, any direction seems not good enough. I am caught somewhere in between serving God alone and "man"mon alone. I came here to gain intellegence, help others on the way, and keep unessasary experience to its self. But on the other hand $1.2 million in 30 years dosen't come to the nice guys. If anyone know how to make $1.2 million in 30 years without paying slaves ( 1 for you 10 for me cause I'm special ), just good wholesome well deserved by all parties even so much as that the numbers are on the table. I'd like to talk. Mean while someone is calling. Now you know why I screen my calls. Don't know if it is "the man" or God I have to let down. It was Amanda. My#1 no let down by the way.


pictures to Jamin

I sent Jamin the pictures from the blog that came to me through the e-mail, he said that the only e-mail he can use is his mission e-mail. The picture of the family and notes written will be good for him, I can forward them to him as they come through the e-mail. Mom

The $10,000 Question

If you had an addtional ten grand in your account, in what way would you give yourself more freedom?

Pay Off Bills?
New Toys?
Quit Job to find a better situation? ( buy time )
Invest in something?
Start another business of some sort?
Save untill you have 30k? ( you can swing a little more with 30k )

What priciples would you start living. The ones that you always wanted to, but aren't cost effective.

Ten Grand can't buy that much, but enough to ease the pinch a little.